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Visualizing How COVID-19 Antiviral Pills and Vaccines Work at the Cellular Level

Visualizing How COVID-19 Antiviral Pills and Vaccines Work at the Cellular Level Published 2 years ago  on January 14, 2022 By Mark Belan Graphics/Design: Mark Belan View the full-size infographic High-resolution version▼ Use This...

Visualizing the Relationship Between Cancer and Lifespan

A Newfound Link Between Cancer and Aging? A new study in 2022 reveals a thought-provoking relationship between how long animals live and how quickly their...

Animation: Global Life Expectancy (1950-2021)

Animated Chart: Global Life Expectancy (1950-2021) At a glance, life expectancy has been increasing worldwide over the last 70 years. But when you break it...

Charted: Healthcare Spending and Life Expectancy, by Country

Charted: Healthcare Spending and Life Expectancy, by Country Over the last century, life expectancy at birth has more than doubled across the globe, largely thanks to innovations...

Visualized: The Global Syringe Shortage Threatening Vaccine Efforts

The Global Syringe Shortage Threatening Vaccine Efforts Routine vaccination saves millions of lives every single year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).But even though...

Timeline: Cannabis Legislation in the U.S

Timeline: Cannabis Legislation in the U.S. At the federal level, cannabis is still considered an illegal substance. That said, individual states do have the right...

Ranked: The Best U.S. States for Retirement

Ranked: The Best U.S. States for Retirement What is the most important aspect of retirement planning? If you said finances, you’re probably right. But have you...

Mapped: Diabetes Rates by Country in 2021

Mapping Diabetes Rates by Country in 2021 Despite advancements in healthcare lengthening life expectancy across the world, there are still many diseases that are hard to...

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